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SAP GUI – A platform of/for change ?

The Old

SAP GUI has been used since the early days of R2. It has evolved over the years from simple software with minimal graphical elements to a customizable Windows vista based graphical user interfaces.

Around the globe more than 50,0 00 customers worldwide run SAP. Just about everyone is this list uses SAPGUI. Hence it’s a given that the install base for SAP GUI is immense.

SAPGUI is a given, a silent performer who always did his work diligently but could never outshine its partner, a powerhouse called SAP ERP.

Are there any interesting ways to use the install base for SAP GUI and spice up things in this old guy’s life?

The new

The last couple of years have made Web 2.0 and some of its related concepts extremely popular. Many of these concepts are primarily based on empowering the user. Giving them control to choose what they want, giving them access to customize what they want, giving them everything and letting content get generated etc., Widgets is a small sidetrack ,an experiment in this area.

Everyone likes widgets, but widgets never took off, for a variety of reasons. They required a separate widget engine to run, they did not do anything useful, after a few days/weeks the novelty wears off and they could never reach a critical user base to go mainstream. But anyone who has tried it will tell you that they are handy. Widgets are micro apps developed for a particular purpose, usability is excellent, they are right there in the desktop and majorly use push technology (perhaps an under rated feature).

Mix them all

Now, let us imagine this. SAP GUI has an excellent install base; it enables business users to work on tasks which have direct implications to their business. Make this GUI as a widget engine, where users can pick transactions as widgets and load them on the desktop.

Suddenly those pretty looking widgets become a powerhouse of activity. Making SAP GUI as a widget engine will help users launch only that content which they require. When combined with SNC features, they are secure. This combination leverages each other’s strengths and creates a product which fits neatly into this web 2.0 world. SAP GUI will get a major face lift and change the way customer perceive SAP applications.

Since it uses the same engine, widgets would be fast to load and if we get it right, someday a simple WD ABAP based time sheet application will be sitting in your desktop as a widget.

Now who wouldn’t want to enter fill his time-sheet before leaving office?

On a technical front, SAP GUI uses TCP/IP, client server based and works primarily as a pull technology. An implementation of this sort would require some major modifications in the core, making it sort of a rich client, but it would be an interesting step forward. As an optimist I like to think it’s a step which has positive effects. Who knows , interesting widgets developed using this might someday reduce the need for composites.

Bharathwaj Ragothaman Bharathwaj works with SAP Global Delivery.His job role involves providing consulting services for implementations on Portals,PI,SOA, BPM and various UI technologies from SAP.He is a SAP certified PI and EP consultant.

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Decimales con el teclado numerico

Uno de los inconvenientes con el que se enfrentan los usuarios de SAP B1 (y otros ERP's) que trabajan con cifras constantemente es la imposibilidad de usar el separador decimal del teclado numérico. En la mayoría de teclados esta tecla está asociada al punto ".", separador decimal utilizado en muchos países. En cambio, en otros países como España, el separador decimal más común es la coma ",", hecho que nos obliga a utilizar la del teclado normal para entrar decimales en SAP. Algunos programas de uso habitual, como el Excel, cambian internamente el "." por la"," en el teclado numérico, haciendo que los usuarios que trabajan con números se hayan acostumbrado a su uso.
Sin embargo, otros programas como SAP B1 no ofrecen la misma opción, así que a continuación os planteamos 2 alternativas para permitiros trabajar a vosotros también con el teclado numérico.

Cambio de la configuración del sistema

A través del formulario de Parametrizaciones generales, en la pestaña Visualizar, se puede indicar que carácter queremos usar como separador de decimales y de miles. Si definimos el "." como separador decimal, se podría utilizar el teclado numérico.

No obstante, esta opción no es muy recomendada por 2 razones básicas:
  • El cambio afecta a todo el sistema, incluida la impresión de documento, con lo que los números pasarían a imprimirse en los documentos en formato 1,234.56. Este formato no es común en España y podría llevar a confusión.
  • Algunos formularios personalizados desarrollados por los partners pueden no respetar la configuración de SAP.

Remapear el teclado numérico

Desde SEMIC recomendamos utilizar alguna herramienta gratuita que permita cambiar los valores de las teclas de nuestro teclado, simulando lo que hace el Excel. De este modo, se puede "convertir" la tecla "." del teclado numérico en una ",", permitiéndonos entrar los decimales en SAP más fácilmente.
En este post os explicaremos como hacerlo con el programa KeyTweak. Para ello debéis descargar el programa desde la web del autor e instalarlo. El proceso de instalación es rápido y simplemente se deben seguir los pasos indicados por el asistente. Finalmente lo ejecutamos (por defecto estará en Inicio > Programas > KeyTweak > KeyTweak) y seguimos estos 4 sencillos pasos:
  1. Seleccionamos la tecla 104, correspondiente al "." del teclado numérico.
  2. En la lista desplegable, seleccionamos el carácter en el que queremos convertir la tecla anterior, en nuestro caso, la ","
  3. Hacemos clic en Remap Key, acción que nos envía la solicitud a la lista de remapeos pendientes.
  4. Hacemos clic en Apply para confirmar el cambio.
El programa nos informará que el cambio no se hará efectivo hasta que se reinicie el sistema. Reiniciamos y listo!
Os recordamos que esta opción no es sólo aplicable a SAP B1, sino a cualquier programa que tengáis instalado en vuestro ordenador.
Para aquellos que os interese, os dejamos también un manual en inglés publicado por TechRepublic que explica como utilizar dicho programa.

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Don't Wait to Archive

Top 7 Excuses for Delaying SAP Archiving Projects and Why You Shouldn't Accept Them

Only one third of SAP customers currently archive data. Review the seven most common reasons for delaying archiving projects and learn how changing your archiving practices can improve performance.

Download this whitepaper from the Macro 4 SAP EcoHub storefront.

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Error: Moneda de la transaccion

Saldo en la moneda de transacción
Nº mensaje: F5702

En la moneda de la transacción 'EUR' aparece un saldo:
Tipo de cotización '00', Importe ' 701,92-', Clave de moneda 'EUR'.
La aplicación solicitante traspasó los datos en moneda de la transacción

Ese error es común a la BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST (o algún IDOC que utilice la BAPI) cuando intentas contabilizar con el Debe y Haber no balanceado.

Traducido el mensaje de SAP a un formato más humano, seria:
"La diferencia de la sumatoria del DEBE y el HABER del documento que Ud quiere hacer que contabilice me da un SALDO de - 701,92 EUR
Favor de revisar los valores el saldo debe ser nulo."

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What are Functional Specifications?

Functional specifications (functional specs), in the end, are the blueprint for how you want a particular report and transaction to look and work. It details what the report will do, how a user will interact with it, and what it will look like. By creating a blueprint of the report or transaction first, time and productivity are saved during the development stage because the programmers can program instead of also working out the logic of the user-experience. It will also enable you to manage the expectations of your clients or management, as they will know exactly what to expect.

A key benefit of writing up a Functional Spec is in streamlining the development process. The developer working from the spec has, ideally, all of their questions answered about the report or transaction and can start building it. And since this is a spec that was approved by the client, they are building nothing less than what the client is expecting. There should be nothing left to guess or interpret when the spec is completed.

Functional Specification
A functional specification (or sometimes functional specifications) is a formal document used to describe in detail for software developers a product's intended capabilities, appearance, and interactions with users. The functional specification is a kind of guideline and continuing reference point as the developers write the programming code. (At least one major product development group used a "Write the manual first" approach. Before the product existed, they wrote the user's guide for a word processing system, then declared that the user's guide was the functional specification. The developers were challenged to create a product that matched what the user's guide described.) Typically, the functional specification for an application program with a series of interactive windows and dialogs with a user would show the visual appearance of the user interface and describe each of the possible user input actions and the program response actions. A functional specification may also contain formal descriptions of user tasks, dependencies on other products, and usability criteria. Many companies have a guide for developers that describes what topics any product's functional specification should contain.
For a sense of where the functional specification fits into the development process, here are a typical series of steps in developing a software product:
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TCODE: Integracion FI

Leyendo me entero que existe una transaccion para verificar las integraciones automáticas dentro de los modulos financieros...

What is SAP Transaction Code to see all automatic account determination GL like FI -GL integration with other SAP modules or submodules like AA(Asset Accounting), MM(Material Management), SD(Sale and Distribution), FM(Fund Management), CM(Cash Management) and etc?

Todavía no la he probado, pero apenas termine lo que estoy haciendo, lo hago con gusto.
Por el momento, la posteo, porque la quiero tener en mi blog ;)

S_ALR_87101048 transaction - Account Detective. - Verymuch Milen

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