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Agregar texto en el logon de SAP

Me pareció interesantísimo el artículo para la consultoría SAP en general, saber como modificar el log-on de SAP. Creo que es importante para dejarle información de contacto (tal como voy a pasar a explicar) en la pantalla de acceso de todos los usuarios finales de SAP en la empresa.

Yo recomiendo que lean atentamente nuestro tutorial, y después accedan al sistema (recomiendo en ingles), para hacer los cambios.

Paso por paso tenemos que hacer lo siguiente:

1. Entrar a SAP.
2. Ejecutar la transacción SE61.

Cambiar la siguiente configuración:
  • En “Document Class” ponemos “Generat Text”
  • El “Language” lo podemos cambiar, o no. Yo dejo English.
  • En “Name” ponemos ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO
Después de eso, hacemos clic en el botón “CHANGE”.

3. Aquí tenemos que agregar la información que queremos que aparezca:

4. Hacemos “CTRL+S” y Activamos con “CTRL+F12” cuando hayamos terminado.
5. Salimos de SAP (cerramos todo, podemos usar “/nex” y darle enter)
Cuando volvamos a querer loguearnos en SAP, veremos la información que pusimos así:

Y eso es todo.
Espero que sepan aprovecharlo.
Saludos, ^Osw.

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Dummy Profit Center Creation in SAP

To create the dummy profit center for the controlling area in SAP.
The dummy profit center is updated in data transfers whenever the object to which the data was originally posted (cost center, order, and so on) is not assigned to a profit center.
This ensures that the data in Profit Center Accounting is complete. The data can be sent later on the dummy profit center to the other profit centers using assessment or distribution.

The dummy profit center’s master record is created using this special transaction ( KE59 ). Normal SAP transaction to create normal profit center is KE01 transaction. To change or display it, use the normal profit center maintenance functions ( KE52KE53 transaction ).
The name of the dummy profit center is displayed in the controlling area settings for Profit Center Accounting.
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How to Send a System Message

Imagine that you’re working configuring a certain SAP module, touching several tables and configuration spots. Sometimes it might happen that someone else is maintaining the same table that you need access. This standard Function Module could be useful in these cases, since you might not know an alternative way to contact the user locking the table or other SAP object. Since the system will display who is locking the table, you will know for whom to send the message.
Here’s how it goes.

Trying to access the table

When trying to maintain a certain table, the user will receive the following warning:

Sending a system message using a standard SAP function module

Once you’ve identified the user, access SE37 – assuming you have permission! In SE37 call SAP standard function module TH_POPUP.

Fill in the following input parameters:
- CLIENT: the system client on which you’re working on. If you don’t know this, take a look at the lower right status bar;
- USER: the user for which you want the message to be delivered;
- MESSAGE: the text message you want to deliver to the user;
- MESSAGE_LEN: allows you to define a message length. Leave it empty;
- CUT_BLANKS: allows you to specify if you want to trim existing spaces. Leave it empty.
To submit the message just hit “Execute (F8)”

What the user receives

When you click on “Execute (F8)”, the destination user receives the following message as a pop-up:

This is just a simple system tool that can help you in a day to day basis, working with SAP.

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Custom transaction for Report Painter

In many organizations, the usage of transaction GR55 has been removed from end users and the usage of custom transaction for Report Painter report is preferred.

These transactions need to be added to roles & also transported via the SAP Transport system and go through change control.

One mistake is to create Variant Transactions that add another layer of objects to maintain and transactions that are not easily accepted by the end user community:


The user will then have to navigate past the selection screen where the report group is selected.


Another common mistake is that users create the transaction code with the SAP-generated program name of the Report Painter report.


The users usually runs the report and via the menu path system status identifies the SAP generated report name, such as GP4D9W908VD93NG59JGEC5C4HE3200 in the development system or in the productive system as GP4D9W908VD93NG59JGEC5C4HE3400. Both program names look identical except for the last 3 digits, which represent the client in which the report was generated.

Because you don’t have control over the SAP-generated program name, you run into problems when the user tries to execute the program and a short dump may occur or the system may tell the user that the program doesn’t exist.

The right approach is to create a Parameter Transaction, map this transaction to the necessary objects in SU24 so that you can make sure that you won’t run into any authorization issues when the user runs the reports.

To create a custom transaction, you need to use transaction SE93 in the development client where your program development & configuration takes place.

Enter a transaction with the naming convention that your organization has issued and select the ‘create’ button:


Enter a short description (according to naming standards of your organization) and select the option ‘Transaction with parameters’:


Enter transaction ‘START_REPORT’ as shown below (1) and select the ‘Skip Initial Screen) (2):


In the lower section, enter Screen Field D_SREPOVARI-REPORTTYPE with the value RW for Report Writer and D_SREPOVARI-REPORT for your report name. If you should have extended a extended report name, you also can add this screen field with the appropriate value D_SREPOVARI-EXTDREPORT to the list of screen fields.


After saving the transaction, the system asks you for a package & transport request. Follow the development standards & instructions from your organization.

Once you have created the transaction, you need to make sure that it will be fully functional from a SAP Security standpoint. Use transaction SU24 to map the object S_Program to the transaction you have just created. The authorization group is the name of the Library with the prefix of RW_. You can find out the library via the report group or by running a trace. (This is helpful if you did not create the report and don’t know what library the developer was using).


If you want to run the authorization analysis via ST01, you can find out easily what the values for S_Program should be:


Once you have identified the objects & values, you can then map the object to the transaction with transaction SU24:


Add all objects needed to run this report (you can find out the objects via your trace analysis):


Switch the indicator to check/maintain:


Enter the values according to your findings


Don’t forget to double-check the values. You may want to make selections regarding on how the user can run the report according to your company guidelines and development standards:


When the SAP Security Administrator maps the newly created transaction to a role, the objects needed for this transaction will be automatically pulled into the role:


Depending on your SAP Security setup, the values of the individual authorizations for Report Writer may be more granular or with access to a broader area.

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Manuales HR

Sap RH es Recursos Humanos, lo que en Ingles SAP denomina: ERP HCM (HR)

El curso de Gestión y administración en HCM I (THR10) es el primer módulo presencial de los cursos de formación SAP Consultant en HCM. Tras una
introducción inicial al módulo HCM, aprenderá las funciones más importantes de
las áreas de gestión del personal y de la estructura de la empresa. Se incluye
una explicación de los escenarios básicos, seguida de un ejercicio práctico en el
sistema. Con esta información, se cubren las áreas de Gestión de tiempos y Datos
maestros de HR. El curso se cierra con una explicación de las diferentes opciones
de evaluación dentro y fuera del sistema mySAP HCM.
El curso de Gestión THR12 II es el segundo curso del control de formación de
SAP Consultant (Consultoría SAP) en HR. En cuanto haya completado el curso
de e-learning sobre la visión general de Solution Manager, durante la primera
semana aprenderá sobre el cálculo de nóminas de forma más detallada. Durante
la segunda semana, aprenderá más sobre la gestión de la organización. Entonces
podrá editar su primer proyecto.
Los manuales HR en español están disponibles a través de este artículo:
Manuales SAP HR Español.

Más info sobre SAP HR

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